Open Doors

Open Doors is a song cycle and Sunday Service that shares the principles of Unitarian Universalism.
And now… it’s an album, too! Open Doors, the full-length album recorded in 2019 at Morningstar Studios is available on Bandcamp.com, Amazon.com, iTunes, and more.
Sign up on the email list or Facebook to get notified of upcoming concerts.
Use the songs as you wish, or contact Emily about visiting to share the service in full or in part.
The project is adaptable to any progressive faith, and anyone who strives to make this world a better place.
One song for each of the UU Principles:
1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.
3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.
4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.
6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.
7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
+ a proposed 8th principle: "A journey toward spiritual wholeness by building a diverse, multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantles racism and other oppressions."
7 Principles of Black Lives (from BLUU)
All sheet music can be found on this site.