2021-2022 SIPS survey of District SLPs
Social Support and Collaboration
98% of survey respondents report feeling well-supported by colleagues.
Professional Development
Check out the great things about our department here.
Recruitment efforts are hindered by the public perception that SDP SLPs have unmanageable workloads and challenging workspaces. Learn more about these issues and how to fix them here.
Persistent SLP vacancies obstruct both student access to the curriculum and a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
To find out how SDP SLPs describe impact of workload ion student services, go here.
SLPs with manageable workloads enhance inclusion, support literacy and provide innovate programming in the lease restrictive environment.
Learn more about high leverage SLP practices here.
Who we are:
SIPS (Speech Language Pathologists’ Initiative for Pennsylvania Schools) is a group of District SLPs working collectively to advocate at a systemic level. While there is still plenty to accomplish, our efforts last year contributed to the addition of 20 new SLP positions to our department, creation of a schools committee at PSHA and amplification of our contract priorities in the PFT.