
AuTumn 2017

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It's time to share music. 

Music unites us, uplifts our spirits and creates joy. 

Please join us for a Community Spiritual Song Circle. Come learn from songleaders from diverse communities around Philadelphia who will share songs from their faith and culture. 

We will print the lyrics in a handout to share with those who attend who would like to join voices. 

Please come at 4:00 if you'd like to sing (all are very welcome!). We'll perform the songs we learn at 5:00 right there in the park for our neighbors.


 A Worker's Lunchbox: An Evening of Song

hosted by Slought and Philadelphia Folksong Society

I was honored to be a part of this exhibition at Slought, in West Philadelphia, on Friday, July 15th, 2017.  The event echoed Nina Rappaport's compelling work that explores the historical and modern-day factory.  I had the pleasure of performing alongside Jessi Roemer, Ami Yares, and Two of a Kind.  



7 Principle Project: 

Resonance of faith

This Sunday morning service was dedicated to the use of music as a tool for connection and spiritual inspiration inside and outside the UU community. Emily Joy Goldberg led the UU Mystics and USG choir in song, with quotes and homilies woven around music from the project.

May 21st, 2017, 10:30 AM

Unitarian Universalist Society of Germantown

6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA


Autumn 2016


Sing Out Love- A Concert for Connection, and Art Opening


On December 5th, 2016 at La Va Cafe in Center City, Philadelphia, I joined Ari Kushner and Ami Yares, and painter Jaiya Bhandari for an evening of art and music, all on themes of healing, connecting, justice, love and hope. Art helps us listen to each other and move forward together, especially now that so much hate seems to be getting the “green light”. 

We collected tips for the musicians and donated half to the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.  Because of everyone's generosity we were able to raise $150 to help them with this work.

We also handed out Information on how to connect with organizations in our area that are working for a better world.



On October 8th Chana Rothman and Avi Wisnia joined me in an inspiring GOTV concert at the Unitarian Society in Germantown, Philadelphia.  It was so much fun, I am planning to put this concert on again next year!  It felt heartening to remember that there are so many people working together to make this world a better place, on November 8th and everyday.